Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Storing java command output to text file.

Its quite simple to store Java command output of the console window of MS Windows i.e command prompt to store in a text file. The need for this is when we have huge text as an output on executing a java program, sometimes we face problem in searching specific text.
The command is:
commandprompt>java GenerateLog >> UserFile.txt

here in the above example, java GenerateLog is the command to execute GenerateLog java file, and output will be dislayed on the console. But by providing the ">> UserFile.txt" at the end of it , the output will be directed to the file called UserFile.txt

By using the above command, a text file named UserFile will be stored in most probably c drive or in the current location
You can easily find this file.

Comment will be highly appreciated...

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