Saturday, December 27, 2008

How to retrieve System Properties in Java

Here is the example of retrieving the System Properties through Java Code. In this program I have retrieved and displayed few System Properties.

The primary method which actually retrieves the property is System.getProperty(), and it takes key info as a parameter.

For details of all the System Properties and how it can be retrieved, you can visit my earlier post about
How to retrieve System Properties through Java. You can generate the XML file of all the key-value pair of the properties and then you can use any if the key's from the XML file, in the below program to get the info in Java Code.

public class RetrieveSystemProperties

File :
Purpose: Retrieves and displays the System Property details
Author : Anaparthi Subrahmanyam
Published: 2008-12-27
Usage Notification: Author doesnt own responsibility of any loss of data,
responsibility for misuse or loss of any nature if this code is used. If possible,
please provide link to this webpage
public static void main(String[] args)
the below functions will retrieve the System Properties of the System

// retrieving Operating System Name of the machine
System.out.println("Operating System Info: "+System.getProperty (""));

// retrieving Unicode Encoding
System.out.println("Unicode Encoding Info: "+System.getProperty (""));

// retrieving User Language
System.out.println("Operating System Info: "+System.getProperty ("user.language"));

// retrieving Operating System Name of the machine
System.out.println("User Language Info: "+System.getProperty (""));

// retrieving Desktop Information
System.out.println("Desktop Info: "+System.getProperty ("sun.desktop"));

// retrieving Sun Compiler name
System.out.println("Sun Compiler Info: "+System.getProperty (""));

// retrieving Operating System patch level
System.out.println("Patch Info: "+System.getProperty ("sun.os.patch.level"));

// retrieving File encoding package
System.out.println("File encoding package Info: "+System.getProperty ("file.encoding.pkg"));
catch (Exception e)

Please provide your comments, i will really appreciate it.

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