Sunday, March 8, 2009

Java example to list all the items from the Folder/Location

As i always believe, Java is very powerfull language, providing us many different ways to use a specific task, here is one of the ways to list all the files or folders within the Folder location through the java program.
/* File : Purpose: Dumps all the Files and Folders from the location provided
Author : Anaparthi Subrahmanyam
Published: 2009-03-08
Usage Notification: Author doesnt own responsibility of any loss of data, responsibility for misuse or loss of any nature if this code is used. If possible, please provide link to this webpage
public class FolderFileList
public static void main(String[] args)
String name = args[0];
File f = new File(name);
String fState = null;
throw new Exception("Invalid location!!!");
File[] listF = f.listFiles();
for (int i=0 ;i <>
fState = listF[i].isDirectory() ? "Folder":"File";
System.out.println(listF[i].getName()+"\t\t\t"+" === > "+fState);
System.out.println("Location provided is not a file directory.");
} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }

Provide the location as a command line argument as mentioned below(dont forget to compile):
prompt> java FolderFileList c:\folder_name

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