File : LocationVerification.java
Purpose: Verifies the input location is File or a Directory
Author : Anaparthi Subrahmanyam
Published: 2009-02-16
Usage Notification: Author doesnt own responsibility of any loss of data, responsibility for misuse or loss of any nature if this code is used. If possible, please provide link to this webpage.
import java.io.File;
public class LocationVerification
public static void main(String[] args)
String name = args[0];
File f = new File(name);
throw new Exception("Invalid location!!!");
System.out.println("Location provided is a not a file directory, its a File");
System.out.println("Location provided is a file directory.");
catch (Exception e)
How to execute the above file:
1. Compile it successfully
2. Execute it with providing a command line argument such as:
cmd_prompt> java LocationVerification c:\test\sample
If the third part of the above command is file then result will show as Location is file, if its directory then result will show you a message saying its directory.